Perhaps later Woke up at 5:05 am today. I had got my body downstairs and was putting on my running shoes on by 5:15 am (I like to run in these early pre-dawn hours.) After I had my shoes on, I moved to the door, and I felt my body
Between Generations. From the post Best Days on Jack Cheng’s blog, where he is writing g about becoming a parent. [I realized] that I am now in between generations. My sense of time is eroding beneath my feet. The scope of my life feels, suddenly, both broader and narrower than before.
Information density & time The text below is the opening paragraph of The Convivial Society email newsletter, which was sent out this week: Here’s an analogy for your consideration. Just as physical density bends time, so does information density bend the experience of time. (Disclaimer: I’m not a physicist and don’t