Photographing Democratically
A collection of 6 issues
Ice in the Window
This window has a piped seal. Today, it is so cold the moisture inside the pain of glass froze.
PD-004 8/20/21 | Cold Coffee on a Hot Humid Morning
Photographing Democratically 004 – Iced coffee on a humid summer morning in the
midwest. I liked how the cold drink stood pit against the condensation-covered
glass in the background.
Taken on with an iPhone 11 with the Firstlight app
[] and
then processed in
PD-003 8/17/21 | Light on a Ceiling Making an Interesting Texture
Photographing Democratically 003 – I saw this light, which is made of three
lightbulbs wooden beads making an interesting texture of light and dark. I took
a picture with FiLMic's Firstlight app
[] and
then did some minimal processing in the Photos
PD-002 8/17/21 | Doorbell in B&W
Photographing Democratically 002 – Doorbell in B&W. Taken with an iPhone 11's
camera app and then processed in the photos app.
The light-up circle of the doorbell's button made that echo (is it a lens
flare?). I liked that.
PD-001 8/17/21 | Patriotic Ball in a Suburban Yard
Photographing Democratically 001 – I watched this YouTube video
[] where Alec Sloth
[] talks about a book of photos by William
Eggleston []. Sloth says that Eggleston was
"photographing democratically," which meant that he treated that