Imageography is the general tag for any sort of still image (photo, drawing, graphic design stuff, etc.)
Ice in the Window
This window has a piped seal. Today, it is so cold the moisture inside the pain of glass froze.
PD-004 8/20/21 | Cold Coffee on a Hot Humid Morning
Photographing Democratically 004 – Iced coffee on a humid summer morning in the
midwest. I liked how the cold drink stood pit against the condensation-covered
glass in the background.
Taken on with an iPhone 11 with the Firstlight app
[] and
then processed in
PD-003 8/17/21 | Light on a Ceiling Making an Interesting Texture
Photographing Democratically 003 – I saw this light, which is made of three
lightbulbs wooden beads making an interesting texture of light and dark. I took
a picture with FiLMic's Firstlight app
[] and
then did some minimal processing in the Photos
PD-002 8/17/21 | Doorbell in B&W
Photographing Democratically 002 – Doorbell in B&W. Taken with an iPhone 11's
camera app and then processed in the photos app.
The light-up circle of the doorbell's button made that echo (is it a lens
flare?). I liked that.
PD-001 8/17/21 | Patriotic Ball in a Suburban Yard
Photographing Democratically 001 – I watched this YouTube video
[] where Alec Sloth
[] talks about a book of photos by William
Eggleston []. Sloth says that Eggleston was
"photographing democratically," which meant that he treated that
New Title Card for InForm: Podcast
After recording, mixing, and editing the InForm: Podcast interview with Todd
McGowan [] I uploaded it to my []account so I could release it, and when I
looked at the InForm Title card I thought...
"That's not very
Good mood, eh?
I took this picture so long ago... Looking at it today I can see lots of flaws
in the image: The background is more in focus than the person (who is really the
subject of the image).
Be all that as it may, the me that looks at the image
Night Lights & Construction
I like the way the darkness works in this image. This image makes me think of
the music of Bohren & Der Club of Gore
Light in glass with bubbles
A picture of a light in some cool glass. Taken& processed on an iPhone.