Perhaps later

Woke up at 5:05 am today.

I had got my body downstairs and was putting on my running shoes on by 5:15 am (I like to run in these early pre-dawn hours.)

After I had my shoes on, I moved to the door, and I felt my body giving me a clear “No! I don’t want to do this now.”

This is a different sensation than “I don’t want to do this.”

It is my body saying it needs more time to be ready to run. This is annoying. I’d like it if my body was ready to go when I had the time to go. Alas, that is not how things went on this lovely dark just before morning.

Rather than pushing through, forcing my body to comply with the available time because I might not have the time later in the day, I sat back down and read my RSS feeds.

Perhaps later.

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