Newsletter v.2.5 | Fizzy Water


And welcome to an edition of The Gorman Limit, a (mostly) weekly newsletter thing that gets sent out by me –Neil Gorman.

I could not send out a newsletter last week because life got too crazy (in addition to that, it was the Easter holiday weekend). I almost did not get the time to write up this edition of TGL, but I did not want to miss two weeks in a row. However, this week’s edition is being written really fast so that I can get it out before the weekend is over. It’s a bit of a hack-job, but I hope you’ll like it anyway.

Having said all of that, let’s get going.


InForm: Podcast 044 went out, but other than that, no podcasting has taken place over here. Episode 044 was Jared and I having a lot of fun, and the episode turned into a bit of a ramble fest. Be that as it may, we hope that everyone who listens to InForm enjoys it.

Recently I wanted to see if anyone had given InForm: Podcast a rating on Apple Podcasts, and I was pleased to see that a few people have. I’ve never asked people to give the show ratings, but I’ve been told by several other podcasters that people rating and reviewing the show does help a lot with it being discovered. If you happen to have the time and the inclination, please click here and say nice things about InForm.


I’ve been writing my tenure dossier, and I’ve not had any time to do any sort of serious writing. However, when I get stuck on the dossier, I will work on an outline for something that I think will be cool –a sort of introductory text to psychoanalysis that I would use for/in a class I teach. I’m doing this because I’ve wanted a text that was “perfect” for me, which (of course) does not exist.

So, after the dossier is done (assuming the desire does not leave me), I’ll start to dedicate some serious time to this text. Perhaps I’ll share bits of it via the newsletter.

Tools & Ghost of My Life:

Zero-calorie fizzy water is something that has become a staple of my diet. I seriously dig this stuff so much.

(When I was a kid and a teenager, I drank soda –or “pop” as we call it here in the Ameican midwest– like it was water. Then, as I aged, that habit became a problem. For years I craved the fizzy sensation of soda, and then I discovered fizzy water could scratch that itch.)

Living in the Jackpot:

I think everyone should read William Gibson’s two most recent books. The Peripheral and Agency. To entice you: watch the video below.



That's all I've got for this week.

Till next time: Make glorious mistakes.
