Linking Seminar III (10/5/24)
The Lacanian Compass Chicago Vector will be holding our third annual Linking Seminar on Saturday, October 5'th, 2024.
To prepare for the seminar, become familiar with the orienting texts below.
- Assef, Jorge. The Pass and the End of Analysis, via Lacan Circle of Australia.
- Lacan, Jacques. There are Four Discourses, in Culture Clinic 1.
- Laurent, Éric. Institution of the Phantasm, Phantasm of the Institution. Courtil Papers.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain. The Turin Theory of the Subject of the School, via NLS webpage.
- Palomera, Vincente. What May I Expect from Psychoanalysis?, in LC Express Vol. 5, Issue 3.
We will host digital events (i.e., Zoom meetings) where some of these texts will be discussed before the Linking Seminar. In future emails, more info on when those will be held will come out.
Guest Speaker:
This year, we will welcome Isolda Alvarez, who attended our linking seminar last year.
The idea for this year's Linking Seminar came to me as an image and two signifiers. The image was a Mobius strip, with the word clinic written on one side of the strip and the word school written on the other side.
The seminar will focus on the link between our work in the clinic, our work within the school, and the Freudian field more broadly.
More specifically, we will focus on formulating and constructing a case as a point where our work in the clinic and the school come together.
The event is being held at The Garrett Seminary on the campus of Northwestern University.
The address of the building we will be in is:
2121 Sheridan Rd Evanston IL 60201
Room: 205 (upstairs)
Need a hotel?
This is the third year of organizing this event, and like everything, the costs have increased over the past two years. The current EARLY REGISTRATION fee is $80.00.
The early registration fee is valid until 9/15. After that date, it will increase to $100.00.
I am offering a $10.00 STUDENT DISCOUNT, which brings the cost down to $70.00 during the early registration period and $90.00 if it is used after 9/15.
To use this discount, you will need a promo code, which you can get by emailing me at or clicking the button below.
Anyone who is a student can ask for the code. You don't need to prove you're a student; if you say you are, we will believe you and send you the code.
Please put "Student Discount Request" in the subject line.
You can register by clicking the button below.
This will take you to a Stripe checkout page that looks like this:
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If you want to get emails about this event, please use the sign-up below.