Interpretation v. Construction in Lacanian Psychoanalysis

Again, from The Madness of Each One by Jorge Assef:

rom a psychoanalytic standpoint—, construction and interpretation are different. Interpretation aims at a definite point, breaks the S1-S2 relationship, opens a door to meaninglessness, etc., while construction brings together, articulates S1-S2, producing a simulation of meaning just where we need the structure to understand the logic of the case. (p. 10)

A very clear way of describing an interpretation, a construction, and what makes the two different techniques.

  • Interpretation exposes and then opens up a lapsus (i.e., gap, space, inconsistency, non-sense) in the patient's speech.
  • Construction produces a connection/meaning between heretofore unconnected things that only appeared to be random and without meaning/sense.