Newsletter v.3.1 | Launching [S][J][P] This will be the title of the archive of all the stuff that I've done (and I want to preserve), the stuff I'm currently working on, and it will
Play + Archive + Deadine = Good Output Time to play (i.e., pissing around") + deadline = making better things.
Souvenir From a blog post of Austin Kelon []. > [Vincent Van Goth] was fond of that word, “souvenir,” and used it for many of his works. It’s worth remembering that the word comes from the Old French word meaning memory, or “to recall,
We all have different versions of our self, but > I do love a man who contains multitudes… especially multitudes who hate each other. What a great line from this post by Austin Kleon [].
Good mood, eh? I took this picture so long ago... Looking at it today I can see lots of flaws in the image: The background is more in focus than the person (who is really the subject of the image). Be all that as it may, the me that looks at the image
Night Lights & Construction I like the way the darkness works in this image. This image makes me think of the music of Bohren & Der Club of Gore [].
Circle Mirror B&W I liked how this circle mirror reflected the physical space. I pulled out my phine, took the picture, did about 2 min of editing/processing in the phone.
Zing from Reeves This was in a blog post from James A. Reeves []. I read it and literally laughed out loud at my phone screen. > This morning I received a marketing email for a meditation app from someone whose job title is “Editor of Wisdom Content.” Now I
Faith in what? Reading an interview on 8 sided blog [] with the artist James A. Reeves []. > I’m fascinated by the future of faith. As the world gets weirder, this will create a vacuum for new gods, cults, and dogma. So what do I make