Foucault on Art In her book To Write as if Already Dead, Kate Zambreno quotes Foucault two times. (She may quote him more... I'm not done reading the book. I'm writing this post when I'm about 1/4th though it.) I will propose a game: the year
Adventures in Wikipedia | Pt. 1 Today, I came across the word heteronym when reading To Write as if Already Dead by Kate Zambreno. I knew I had seen this word before, but I could not remember what it meant. I was reading the book in the kindle app on my iPhone, so I highlighted the
The Imaginary is Ascendant | This has Political Effects In the argument for Clinical Study Days 15, Thomas Svolos writes: The word or the text is no longer enough, and language now needs an image to go with it, to be linked or connected to the text in the narrative. The image is linked to the imaginary register, and
How to use silence as an intervention From Speedboat by Renata Adler: Describing herself, the protagonist says, I love the laconic. Clearly, I am not of their number. When animated conversations are going on, even with people interrupting one another, I have to curb an impulse to field every remark, by everybody, as though it were addressed
The Theory of the Subject ($) More from the 1986 article Lacan and the Ethics by John Rajchman. This article is full of good stuff. Unlike "centering" theories of ourselves, the theory of the subject is thus a theory about what divides us from ourselves and so from each other. It raises a new
The end of the analysis is beyond the pleasure principle Another significant bit from the 1986 article Lacan and the Ethics by John Rajchman, where he makes a very astute observation about the "end of analysis" (i.e., the analytic cure in so far as such a thing exists). The aim or "end" of analysis is
The Ethical Position of the Analyst In a fantastic paragraph in his 1986 article Lacan and the Ethics, John Rajchman says, Psychoanalysis is not a medical treatment any more than the unconscious is a medical disorder —a dysfunction or maladaptation. Rather the unconscious is a “structural or constitutive fact about ourselves as speaking subjects, and analysis
Things & Stuff | 001 Hello, I'm trying to send a short mid-week newsletter where I list off (and, if possible, link to) different things I think are interesting. -â—‰- Listening: This morning I listened to this wonderful interview the LARB did with the psychoanalyst Jamison Webster on her new book Disorganization
Ha! This morning, I read the following I. Warren Ellis’s Orbital Operations email newsletter. I keep getting newsflashes from newspapers on my phone telling me that Twitter's on fire and Meta has fucked itself and in my RSS feed I'm seeing more "this is the
Meta-Modernism I’ve been doing some looking into the terms post-postmodernism and metamodernism. For the metamodern generation, according to [Timotheus] Vermeulen, "grand narratives are as necessary as they are problematic, hope is not simply something to distrust, love not necessarily something to be ridiculed.” [...] The return of a Romantic sensibility