Neil Gorman
Claude.ai's Mistake in Linking Desire with the Imaginary
As I said in my last post, I'm experimenting with talking to Claude.ai and ChatGPT about psychoanalysis.
Recently, I've been discussing jouissance, desire, and love with these LLMs.
I saw that Claude.ai formulated was desire as imaginary, jouissance as real, and love as a
Claude AI on Jouissance, Desire, & Love
I've been experimenting by engaging both Claude.ai and ChatGPT in discussions about Lacanian theory and practice.
For the past few days, I've been talking with both of these LLMs about jouissance, desire, and love. Some of the things they have said about how these three
Ice in the Window
This window has a piped seal. Today, it is so cold the moisture inside the pain of glass froze.
Repetition, return, & connections becoming clear
A paragraph I enjoyed a lot from Craig Mod's TBOT.
Had you told us back then, that the key to it all lay and deliberate repetition, we would have never believed you. But it's true. It's through re-walking that I've come to
TBOT: Good Sentences
Today, my copy of Things Become Other Things (TBOT for short), by Craig Mod arrived.
I just read the preface, and found these sentences that I really liked:
Folks here harbored their own sense of decay.
The world all goin' sideways, she said, and don't know if
AI & Abduction
Earlier, I posted about this earlier today, but here are some more really interesting observations from Peter Coy's essay on AI in the (paywalled) New York Times opinion section on how AI uses a process called abduction when it produces responses to what we ask it/prompt it
AI & Kids
This paragraph from Peter Coy's essay in the (paywalled) New York Times opinion section is just great.
Computer scientists are continually surprised by the creativity displayed by new generations of A.I. Consider that lying is a sign of intellectual development: Children learn to lie around age 3,
In The Conversation section of the New York Times (alas, paywall), Bret Stephens reflects on "the efforts on college campuses to revive the dying art of conversation, as a remedy against angry campus politics." He says:
conversation for the purpose of learning rather than scoring points isnβt
β Arbitrage | 2 Things
It has been some time since the last time one of these got posted/sent out, but I have found two things I want to share.
|1| READING (blog)βThe Red Hand Files is an epistolary blog of the musician/artist Nick Cave. The posts are Cave's response